Saturday, January 15, 2011

Savyer's World Part Deux!


OK! We're all back and we managed to get all the saviors. But, even though we did that, Cain tells us we can't leave yet! He said Markal has to get his power back from Blackvein (uh-oh, that means we'll have to fight him, too). Cain says he'll train us, but it won't be easy. ( He said proper, slow training would take years! But we don't have the time.)

Hey, is everyone looking forward to their training?
-There's a 'Y' on my shirt (CW)

I am! Cain said we have great potential!
-Super Cool 986 (CW)

He said that vumpirles Rl the 2nd most poverful in his dimension!
-Double Fanged Action (CW)

I don't know how useful my halberd will be.
-Blue-Feathered Anonymous (CW)

I'm sure it'll B a gr8 asset!
-There's a 'Y' on my shirt (CW)

Thank U, Young There's a 'Y' on my shirt (CW).
-Blue-Feathered Anonymous (CW)

What are you fools doing?! We need to be training to defeat Blackvein so we can get out of here!

Marshall, U're back!
-There's a 'Y' on my shirt (CW)

What? I've been with you all this time!

He means U R back in the forum.
-Super Cool 986 (CW)

It's a freakin' book! I can open it at any time I choose!

I'm so glad U're back, Marshall! :)
-There's a 'Y' on my shirt (CW)

Look, let's close this book and get to our training.

OK, Marshall! [There's a 'Y' on my shirt (CW) closed out at 4:06 pm]

Aaaaaaaaaaand that's all the main entries. I never wrote more beyond the character profiles. So tomorrow, I'll be starting with those!


AubrieAnne said...

I feel like the journals are more stagnant or flat than the actual teleplays/screenplays. I feel more "movement" or action when you wirte the other way. Does that make sense?

Matt Dimitroff said...

It does. It was never intended to be read as it is, but was intended to be a fun feature in a video game adaptation of the story. It's also an original draft. I've come across many points where I've decided to make changes.